YHA Dalby Forest - Directions

Old School, Lockton, Pickering, North Yorkshire, YO18 7PY

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Contact information

Phone: +44 143 977 0433

Email: [email protected]

Read more about YHA Dalby Forest

Map references

OS Map:
OS Grid Ref:
54.29866, -0.704949

How to get here

By car: From the A169, turn west at the sign for Lockton and Levisham.

By bus: The nearest bus stop is 0.3 miles away. The epic, three-hour route of the 840 Costliner runs from here. Going from Leeds and York to Whitby, the 840 route has previously been declared the UK's most scenic bus ride. From the top deck, you can enjoy views across wild moors to the distant sea.

By train: Levisham station, 2.7 miles away, is one of the stops on the North York Moors Steam Railway. The line goes direct from Levisham to Whitby with stops at Newton Dale Halt, Goathland and Grosmont along the way.

By coach: The nearest coach stop is Pickering, 2.55 miles away.