YHA Hawes - Directions

Lancaster Terrace, Hawes, North Yorkshire, DL8 3LQ

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Contact information

Phone: +44 345 371 9120

Email: [email protected]

Read more about YHA Hawes

Map references

OS Map:
OS Grid Ref:
54.303579, -2.203832

How to get here

By car: The hostel is located at the top of a steep rise on the B6255 (signposted to Ingleton), just off the junction with the A684 at the western end of the village.

By bike: Cycle from Garsdale - 6.2 miles, on RCR10 Yorkshire Dales Cycleway, NCR 68 at Garsdale.

By bus: The nearest bus stop is 5 minutes away, on the Herriot Way.