YHA South Downs - Directions

Itford Farm, Beddingham, Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 6JS

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Contact information

Phone: +44 345 371 9574

Email: [email protected]

Read more about YHA South Downs

Map references

OS Map:
OS Grid Ref:
50.831591, 0.034021

How to get here

By car and coach: Parking is available on-site for cars, minibuses and coaches. The entrance to YHA South Downs is on the A26 between Newhaven and Lewes.

By train: Southease station, with links to London Victoria via Lewes, is less than 300m from the front door.

By bus: The 123 bus runs from Southease village, which is a 10-minute walk from the hostel. The route takes in Lewes bus and rail stations, Spring Barn Farm, Kingston, Rodmell and Newhaven.