YHA Tanners Hatch Surrey Hills - Directions

off Ranmore Common Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6BE

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Contact information

Phone: +44 345 371 9542

Email: [email protected]

Read more about YHA Tanners Hatch Surrey Hills

Map references

OS Map:
OS Grid Ref:
51.252025, -0.367452

How to get here

On foot: If you're walking from Box Hill & Westhumble train station, we recommend you have a map for this route. Turn left out of station and follow Chapel Lane for 0.9 miles to Badgen Farm, take the track on the left indicated by a YHA sign. Pass the farmhouse on your right-hand side and take the first right along a bridleway by the side of a barn. Walk straight across the field to the gate on the other side and turn left onto the track. The hostel is approx 400m up on the right-hand side.

By car: If you are using a sat nav or Google Maps, please use the postcode RH5 6SR. Using the hostel's postcode (RH5 6BE) will take you to a nearby residential estate with no through access to the hostel. Postcode RH5 6SR will take you to Denbies Hillside National Trust car park on Ranmore Common Road (the nearest car park to the hostel). Parking is pay and display or free to National Trust members. From the car park cross over the road and turn left, walk along to Four Fox Cottages (on your right) and go through the gate by its side. Take the central track indicated by the YHA signs. The hostel is a 15-minute walk through the wood.