YHA Treyarnon Bay - Directions

Tregonnan, Treyarnon, Padstow, Cornwall, PL28 8JR

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Contact information

Phone: +44 345 371 9664

Email: [email protected]

Read more about YHA Treyarnon Bay

Map references

OS Map:
OS Grid Ref:
50.527642, -5.022908

How to get here

By car:From the A39 take the A389 towards Padstow then the B3276 to St Merryn. Continue through St Merryn, heading towards Newquay on the B3276, take the third right signed Treyarnon. From Newquay take the B3276 Padstow, after Porthcothan follow the hostel signs. From Treyarnon beach follow clifftop track, the hostel is on the right-hand side.

There is currently no public transport to YHA Treyarnon Bay.