YHA Windermere - Directions

Bridge Lane, Troutbeck, Windermere, Cumbria, LA23 1LA

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Contact information

Phone: +44 345 371 9352

Email: [email protected]

Read more about YHA Windermere

Map references

OS Map:
OS Grid Ref:
54.403862, -2.917495

How to get here

By car: If you are driving from the north, we recommend leaving the M6 at junction 40 and following the A592 to Troutbeck. Bear right onto Townhead Brow shortly before you enter Troutbeck and continue onto Bridge Lane, where you will find the hostel on your right. From the south, leave the M6 at junction 36 and follow the A590/A591 to Troutbeck Bridge, before turning right onto Bridge Lane shortly after passing a petrol station. The hostel will be on your left, just over 1km up the lane.

By train: The closest train station to the hostel is at Windermere. From the station you can take a taxi, get a bus or walk. The walk over Orrest Head to the hostel from the station is particularly nice for if you are feeling more adventurous.

By bus: If you are travelling by bus from Windermere direct to the hostel there are regular buses from the train station towards Ambleside (555, 505, 599, 516). If you are coming from the opposite direction (Keswick), the 555 is the bus you will need. In both cases the stop you need to get off at is Troutbeck Bridge by the Spar petrol station. It is then just over 1km walk up Bridge Lane to the hostel.

By coach: The nearest National Express coach stop is Ambleside, 4 miles away. From the stop you can take a taxi, get a bus or walk.