
Governance within YHA

YHA's governance starts at grass roots level with our members.

Our democratic structure means members can influence and help develop policy through joining YHA.


The Board of Trustees consists of up to 17 trustees, including three national officers, and meets around five times each year.

The Board determines policy, ensures the proper management of YHA and provides effective guidance and leadership to the Chief Executive, Executive team and employees of YHA. The Board appoints the Chief Executive who reports to the Board at their meetings. YHA employs the Chief Executive, and three directors responsible for all aspects of YHA's work.

Trustees are, individually and collectively, responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the organisation. Everything done by the Board Officers or Trustees is done on behalf of the Board, and all Trustees are responsible for the decisions of the Board.

The result of the election of the Trustees is announced at the AGM. Trustees are eligible to serve for two four-year terms. If you are interested in becoming a Trustee, we have a selection process run by the Nominations Committee.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM meets to receive the annual accounts, consider and vote on any resolutions and motions. The results of the Trustee election is also announced at the AGM. To attend the AGM and have the right to vote, members must have signed up for Company Membership and be on the Register of Company Members.

Our virtual AGM 2024 was held on Saturday 9th November. There were 71 Company Members (eligible to vote) present. Clare Fordham was re-elected as a Trustee. Sarah Brewin and James Redfearn were elected as new Trustees for a four-year term. In addition, the Chair announced that the Board had co-opted Rej Bhumbra as a Trustee for a one-year term.

Company members

The Board's link with the membership comes through company membership – a special status of YHA membership that enables members to have an input in to decision making, while providing the Board with a mechanism to consult with the membership.

Company members receive regular updates from the Chief Executive and Trustees, are invited to the AGM and are eligible to vote on resolutions, and have a dedicated and secure area of the YHA website.

Company membership is open to all YHA members over 16 (excluding staff). Members can become company members through the 'My Profile' section of their online account.

Online voting

Before each AGM, YHA members can vote on motions and for the election of new Trustees and the Nominations Committee Association Members through online voting. Members need to have a YHA online account and be signed up for YHA emails to be able to vote online.

In the 2024 election, 5,407 members voted, electing three Trustees.

Important documents

Articles of Association

This key governing document outlines the written rules about running YHA.

Download the articles (pdf, 1.4mb)

Conflicts of Interest Policy

This policy sets out the rules on conflicts of interest and the responsibilities of individuals and YHA.

Download the policy (pdf, 0.2mb)