Cycling in Arnside
Cycle to 'The Moon' - a large area of limestone pavement with fantastic views. The ascent is a winding, challenging climb up the hillside… with the thrill of knowing you get to rush back down!
Set in exceptionally beautiful countryside with gardens that merge into Parkland framed by the Lakeland Hills.
The 2018 Main Season Opening will run from Friday 23rd March until Sunday 28th October.
Hall (11am-4pm) & Gardens (10.30am-5pm) : Wednesday – Sunday (+ Bank Holiday Mondays)
Gift Shop (10.30am-5pm) : Wednesday – Sunday (+ Bank Holiday Mondays)
Café, Food Hall & Park (10.30am-5pm) : Daily
(Occasionally the Hall opening times may vary to accommodate events. Please check the website before visiting.)
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