Make a group booking enquiry

Ready to make a group booking? Simply complete our group enquiry form to start the process

Start a group booking

Tell us about your group

Travel trade

Stay details

Information message

Please complete the following form fields with details as provided by the customer.


Tell us where you would like to go – this can be a specific hostel, city/town or area (such as the Lake District).
What postcode are you travelling from?
Tell us any preferences on where you would like to go – such as city, seaside or countryside location.


Tell us any preferences on when you would like to stay – such as weekdays in August 2025.


Most hostels offer group catering including breakfast, packed lunch and evening meals. We cater for a range of dietary requirements including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and halal, though cannot offer kosher meals.

What meal options are your group interested in?

What meal options are your group interested in?


Some of our hostels offer adrenaline-fuelled activity packages. Choose from high and low-level activities including abseiling, caving and raft building. Or take it easy with guided walks, nature craft, mindfulness and much more. We have educational options linked to the National Curriculum too.

Group details

YHA offers a range of support schemes for schools that are struggling to meet the costs of a residential. This information will ensure that we can best address your group's needs.
So we can find the perfect stay for your group, please share any other details including access and dietary requirements.

Contact details

After you submit your enquiry, our experienced groups advisers will be in touch. They’ll check availability, create a quote and support you with every aspect of planning your visit.

Communications preferences

I would like to receive information from YHA about the latest news, special offers, campaigns and appeals, including the great work YHA does as a charity for young people.

I am happy to receive information via:

Staying with YHA

What you need to know

  • Our hostels generally offer multi-bed dormitory style rooms of varying sizes with shared shower and toilet facilities. Some locations (but not all) also have en-suite and/or accessible rooms.
  • We'll never ask your group to share bedrooms with anyone not in your group. However, other guests may be on-site with use of shared hostel facilities unless you have booked sole use of the entire place.
  • If your group has any access or dietary requirements, please let us know as early as possible.

By submitting an enquiry

Other ways to contact us

Give us a call

01629 592700

Call us

 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.00pm
 Average response time: 10 minutes