Outdoor Citizens Privacy Notice

Outdoor Citizens Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice sets out the data processing carried out by YHA (England & Wales) (‘YHA’, ‘we’, ‘our’) for the Outdoor Citizens community of practice, including funding applications. The notice explains how we collect information about you, the rights you have with regard to the use of your data and how you can contact us to exercise your rights.

YHA will periodically review and may update this Privacy Notice so that it reflects our current data processing activity. This Privacy Notice was last updated on 20th December 2022.

Who we are

YHA (England & Wales) is registered with the ICO (Z6434257).

You can contact us in the following ways:

  • Email us: [email protected]
  • Call National Office: 01629 592700
  • Write to us: Data Protection Team, YHA (England & Wales), Trevelyan House, Dimple Road, Matlock, DE4 3YH

Processing purposes

So we can process your application to join Outdoor Citizens, and any funding applications you make, we require some contact details for individual(s) in your organisation. We also ask about the profile of your group, in terms of ethnicity and disability, but this is not personal identifiable data.  

Where we do provide funding we invite you to provide feedback on the impact of the funding and details will be sent to you. We ask about your organisation’s senior leader, and this does include some personal details about them, which you should discuss with them before you respond. It may be they prefer not to answer these questions and there is an option not to do so. 

In some cases we may invite you to contribute case studies about the impact of the funding and these might include identifiable data, but this will only be with each person’s agreement and how the information will be used will be explained. We may share the case studies with the provider of the funds we distribute, and this will be explained to you so you can make an informed decision whether to contribute or not and how identifiable you want to be.

Lawful bases and data retention

We rely upon legitimate interest (Art 6(1)f) and your consent (Art 9(2)a) for any processing of personal data for the funding applications and evaluations. 

We rely upon your consent for any processing of personal data for case studies (Arts 6(1)a and 9(2)a).

We hold all data on YHA systems for a defined period of time, the applications data will be retained for a minimum of 7 years and we generally retain case study data for a period of 5 years.

Your rights

Under data protection law, you have rights over the use of your data, the rights available to you depend on our reason for processing your information. You can read more about your rights on the ICO website, where we rely upon your consent to process you personal data you have a right to withdraw that consent at any time and you should contact us at [email protected] to request this.


If you feel we have mishandled your data please contact us with details so we can review the situation. You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).