YHA Breaks Programme application form

Partner organisations can use this form to express their interest in supported trips for groups of young people and groups of families

Applications are currently closed

Charities, community groups and home education networks can apply on behalf of groups of young people and groups of families who face challenges that make travel and adventure difficult to access.

The window for submitting expression of interest forms for the YHA Breaks Programme is currently closed. It will reopen on 10th September 2024 for bookings from September 2025 onwards (closing again on 10th December 2024).

If you have any questions about the YHA Breaks Programme in the meantime, please email [email protected].

About the Breaks Programmes

YHA Breaks Programme provide fully or part-funded trips for groups of young people and groups of families facing challenges that make travel and adventure difficult to access.

Trips to YHA hostels are usually around two nights in duration, with full-board catering provided and opportunities to take part in activities.

To ensure the support gets to those with greatest need, our Breaks Programme is arranged via application or referral from partner organisations and tailored to beneficiaries. For further information, please contact the team at [email protected].