Make sure you use an area with stones or pebbles that will still be safe for everyone.
Alternatively, you could purchase small pebbles from a craft store or use recyclable items such as bottle tops.
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Location: Indoors or outdoors
- Cost: Free
- Suitable for: Individuals
- You will need: Stones or pebbles, access to outdoor space
How to run this activity
Pebble protectors
- Everyone should look for a small stone that can be taken home with them. It needs to fit in their pocket.
- Everyone should find a quiet spot for themselves. Once they are comfortable, everyone should pick up their stone and feel its shape, size, and texture. Think about where this stone was found. What could you see, hear or touch when you found it? What shape is your stone? Is it rough or smooth?
- Everyone should think about what you could do to help protect the environment where you found your stone. Choose an action, big or small, that you can commit to.
It could be making sure that litter is recycled or securely disposed of. Loose litter could fall into a waterway, pollute the ground, or harm an animal. Spaces are connected and looking after one area can have a great effect on others, both nearby and far away.
- Everyone should keep the stone in their pocket for a while. When you put your hand in your pocket, it should remind you of your commitment and the day that you made it.
This activity was all about being responsible and helping your community. It’s everyone’s responsibility to look after our planet and try to make it better. It shows you care for the people in your community and the place you live. What did you decide your action would be? When are you going to do it? What difference do you want it to make? Changing your behaviour at home can also have an effect on the environment. Can you think of something you will try to do?
Activity outcomes
Be responsible - believe in doing the right thing, being trustworthy, and doing your best.
Help your community - be able to take an active role in the community, give to others, and make the world a better place.
Safety guidance
All activities must be safely managed. Do a risk assessment and include hazards such as roads, woodland, bodies of water (for example, rivers, ponds, lakes, and seas), plants, and animals. Take appropriate steps to reduce risk.
You must have permission to use the location. Always check the weather forecast and inform parents and carers of any change in venue.
You’ll probably need more adult helpers than usual. Your risk assessment should include how many adults you need. The young people to adult ratios are a minimum requirement; when you do your risk assessment, you might decide that you need more adults than the ratio specifies.
Think about extra equipment that you may need to take with you, for example, a first aid kit, water, and waterproofs.
Throughout the activity, watch out for changes in the weather and do regular headcounts.
Level up
Think about the commitment you’re making, it could be something simple like clearing up litter on a short walk, or something more involved like planting a tree, building a birdhouse, or doing regular clean-ups.
Take it further
Encourage everyone to choose their own commitment, something that is important to them.
Access guidance
Choose a space that is suitable for everyone in your group. Consider gathering materials beforehand to take to a suitable space.
Other activities
Showing compassion and care for nature is one of five things that can help people build a better relationship with nature.
Explore our free resources for more activity ideas.