The Outward Bound Trust

Helping young people to defy limitations through learning and adventures in the wild.

The Outward Bound Trust introduction

The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity that inspires young people to believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible. 

Using learning and adventures in the wild, Outward Bound partners with schools, colleges, employers and youth groups to teach young people the most important lesson they could ever learn: to believe in themselves.

Each Outward Bound course is unique, taking participants on a journey of self-discovery. They leave the familiar behind and head to the wild hills, lakes and lochs to take on adventures, overcome challenges and learn about leadership, teamwork and resilience. Located in the wildest corners of the UK, our six residential centres provide the perfect starting point for adventures of self-discovery in the outdoors. 


Children participating in The Outward Bound Trust activity

Nights Under the Stars Residential

In inspiring natural landscapes of the Lake District, your students will take part in gorge walking, climbing, camping and canoeing. These three or five-day courses are fun, adventurous and embed outdoor learning.

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Children camping on an The Outward Bound Trust residential

Nights Under the Stars Residential

Is it your first wilderness experience or first time away from home on your own? This five-day supportive but challenging and adventurous experience in the Lake District offers loads of fun and memories that will last a lifetime.

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The Outward Bound Trust adventure residential

Nights Under the Stars Residential

Already have outdoors experience, such as Scouts or Guides, or been to Outward Bound before? Take part in this seven-day Lake District adventure which promises more challenge, more fun and more discovery and unforgettable memories.

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Chief Executive statement

Statement from the Chief Executive

"Have you ever tried pitching a tent alone, in the howling wind? It's far easier when you’re working together as a team. Or how about sitting with your mates watching a mountain sunrise the morning after?

"These are exactly the kinds of moments this funding will unlock at scale, and it’s my firm belief that the more we expose our young people to them, the more they’ll understand themselves and our wild places. And the more they do that, the more they’ll want to care for and protect them - not fear them.

"The positive difference Generation Green will make to our collective future cannot be understated."

Martin Davidson, Chief Executive

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Other project partners

The Outward Bound Trust is delivering the Generation Green 2 project as part of Access Unlimited, a coalition of not-for-profit school residential and educational providers.

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